Twitterati Furious At TikTok Video Of Nurse Mocking Patient's Health; Trends ‘Patients Are Not Faking’

A TikTok video of a nurse mocking patients and calling the patients’ reaction fake has gone viral on the Internet and Twitterati is seething with anger. Twitter soon began to trend #PatientsAreNotFaking’ with their own experiences and slammed the nurse

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Twitterati Furious At TikTok Video Of Nurse Mocking Patient's Health; Trends ‘Patients Are Not Faking’
The Internet can be a mean and cruel place, and anything unusual- good, bad, ugly- goes viral thanks to social media platforms and takes the Internet by storm. Often, certain controversial video clips go viral and similarly, a TikTok video of a nurse mocking patients and calling the patients’ reaction fake has gone viral on the Internet and Twitterati is seething with anger. Twitter soon began to trend #PatientsAreNotFaking’ with their own experiences and slammed the nurse for the insensitivity.

The viral video shared by Danyelle Solie, shows herself playing both, the role of a patient as well as the nurse. It begins with the patient struggling to breathe, and then shifts to the nurse who sings and dances along, clearly mocking the patient. She captioned this video as, “We know when y’all are faking.”While she is known to post fun content every now and then, this mockery over a serious issue is taking it too far! As soon as this clip went viral, people started slamming her and also began to trend #PatientsAreNotFaking, along with their own medical experiences of doctor/nurses letting them down.

Twitterati was furious and while one Tweet read, “Any medical professionals who see the stories in #PatientsAreNotFaking and defend that video as just a joke should really not be in the medical field. Full stop. “Unwinding” from your job shouldn’t include perpetuating harmful narratives in patient care,” another Tweet read, “I have some level of pain every day, so if I'm showing up to the ER saying my pain is different or worse than normal, you better believe I'm not faking. #PatientsAreNotFaking.”

While there were a few who supported Danyelle, calling it a joke, most of them were seething with anger at the mockery of patients’ health issue.

Image Source: Twitter/DamnDRoseTweets