Twitterati Furious At TikTok Video Of Nurse Mocking Patient's Health; Trends ‘Patients Are Not Faking’
A TikTok video of a nurse mocking patients and calling the patients’ reaction fake has gone viral on the Internet and Twitterati is seething with anger. Twitter soon began to trend #PatientsAreNotFaking’ with their own experiences and slammed the nurse

We know when y’all are faking 😂😂
— D Rose (@DamnDRoseTweets) November 19, 2019
Any medical professionals who see the stories in #PatientsAreNotFaking and defend that video as just a joke should really not be in the medical field.
— Crutches&Spice ♿️ (@Imani_Barbarin) November 23, 2019
Full stop.
“Unwinding” from your job shouldn’t include perpetuating harmful narratives in patient care.
I remember this conversation with a friend, where I asked him “how should I act in ER to make them believe i’m really in pain? Because if I cry, they think it’s hysteria and if I’m stoic they assume I can’t be in pain. And I can’t go on like this.” #PatientsAreNotFaking
— Asher Wolf (@Asher_Wolf) November 23, 2019
CW med trauma, surgery
— Jessica Walton (@JessHealyWalton) November 25, 2019
After I was treated for osteomyelitis at age 8, I kept complaining of pain & kept limping. Doctor said I was faking it for attention, & to make me walk on it. Turned out it was osteosarcoma & my leg had to be amputated. #PatientsAreNotFaking
I have too much trauma to pour it out all over Twitter again, because I have PTSD from how medical professionals have treated me.
— Wildcat (@TheSpoonieWitch) November 22, 2019
#PatientsAreNotFaking, I was never faking, and the harm done to me is irreparable.